Thursday, September 18, 2008

Staying the Course

Sorry - I'm running a bit behind because I just started a new job this morning and I have a big writing project to wrap for the other one. I don't want to to rush the next installment because it's going to be important to the plot and I want it to make sense. Anyways, it should be up by the end of the week and then we'll be back on schedule.

Also, my tracker widget tells me I got a spike of viewers yesterday, which I can only attribute to the McCain post. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Tell your friends! Also, read the story. 'Cause that's why I'm here.

Consolation prize - some pictures of Cairo, to get you in the mood.


Joe said...

Consolation prize? That's no consolation prize! I've seen these photos before!

I want another installment! How am I supposed to get through work on Thursdays? Did you think of that?

Escreve! Iktub! Write!

Joe said...

What's the new job, BTW?